Periods of separation can often be painful, frustrating and full of doubt. Technically everything I write focuses on how to get your twin flame back but I thought it was time to have a simple ‘wrap up’ post with a brief rundown of everything in one place.
But we’re going to have to start with a little tough love because too many people get stuck in the same old trap on their twin flame journey.
Getting your twin flame back means understanding why you’re going through separation and focusing internally not externally.
Twins can (and often do) go through multiple separation phases and this by itself isn’t a sign of a problem with the journey but the problem arises when we waste that time focusing on them instead of your own twin flame healing to prepare yourself to move forward. This is when the process continues to repeat itself over and over again.
Release Your Twin Flame
If you want to know how to get your twin flame back, the first thing to do is to let go of it, even if it seems contradictory. You may think that letting go means forgetting or ignoring your twin flame, which is wrong. What you should let go of are the feelings of attachment, excessive control and the desperate need to be with him/her.
By getting rid of these feelings, you deactivate that toxicity that keeps you under the power of the ego. By releasing the ego, you will feel incredibly good and at peace with yourself. Not having any contact with your twin flame for a while will be very positive for you. This is a period for you to focus on yourself.
Note: Releasing your twin flame is not the same as forgetting them. You’ll likely still notice signs your twin flame is thinking of you and feel that connection. I’m not suggesting for a moment you try and block this or completely ignore them.
It’s about how and where you focus your energy.
Understand the Reasons for This Separation
You have already released your twin flame, so you are ready to understand the reasons for this separation. You were simply not ready for a union as mystical as twin flames. It is likely that this powerful bond has frightened one or both of you because it is too intense. This is very common and you should not be distressed by it. Surely you will feel better prepared in the future for a twin-flame union. Don’t ask yourself every day when it is going to happen. Anxiety only slows down the process. Finally, there is another reason why two twin flames separate: fears and insecurities from the past that continue to influence the present. Anyway, keep in mind that you two are twin flames. Therefore you are meant to be together, no matter what.
If you’re feeling really stuck with your journey, tell me about your path so far and get a free twin flame reading.
Focus on Yourself
Now that you feel at peace with yourself and have understood the reasons for your separation from your twin flame, the time has come to focus on yourself. Then you will have time to think about your twin flame.
Seek your vocation in life, dedicate yourself to what you are passionate about. Work for your own good and for the good of others. You will see how your good actions return to you in the form of positive energy. During this new path, you will cultivate diverse friendships with people who emit good vibes and are in a high vibratory frequency like you. This new attitude brings you closer to your twin flame.
Practice Meditation
You and your twin flame are separated, therefore you are going through a difficult situation. The key to feeling better is to meditate every day, both in the morning when you wake up and at night before you go to sleep. Meditation calms your temperament, controls your ego and generates inner peace. This practice is necessary to keep you balanced while you are separated from your twin flame. In addition, meditation prevents you from becoming obsessed with him/her. This practice will allow you to focus on your well-being. Remember to accompany your meditation with healthy habits such as eating right, exercising and sleeping well. Leading a healthy lifestyle also raises your vibrations.
Cultivate Self-esteem
If you want your twin flame back it is essential that you strengthen your self-esteem. Surely you are sad because you are separated from him/her, so it is essential that you prioritize yourself. When someone loves himself/herself he/she can better face any circumstance because he/she is aware of his/her own value. If you feel good about yourself you can overcome any obstacle, because you know you have the power within you to do so. Keep in mind that you are the operating power of your own world, therefore you are the priority in your life. Surprising as it may seem, many people do not use the inner strength they have. Value yourself and your outer world will reflect that powerful feeling.
Eliminate Toxins from Your Body
If you want to go back to your twin flame, it’s a good idea to keep your body free of toxins. This will keep you at a high vibratory frequency and you will feel full of positive energy. Water can be a great help to you. Stay hydrated all day long so that your body functions properly. Get used to bathing with cold water, as it makes you feel better immediately, eliminating sadness and depression. You can take salt immersion baths, which allows you to eliminate negative energy. Going to the beach to swim and sunbathe moderately is also very good for your health. Maintaining a healthy contact with nature raises your vibratory frequency and improves your relationship with the environment.
Attitudes to Avoid
If you want to get back together with your twin flame there are certain behaviors to avoid. To begin with, for a while don’t contact him/her in any way. Don’t complain to him/her or insist on returning to you. Also, don’t spy on him/her in every one of his/her social networks. That toxic behavior will only generate an obsession in you. If possible, do not think about him/her, concentrate on you and your purpose in life. When you feel ready, you can generate some kind of communication with him/her. In the meantime, dedicate yourself to your work, studies, friends, etc. Remember not to force situations to return with your twin flame, that would make the circumstances worse.
Further Guidance
Focus on yourself. Look at strengthening your self-esteem, cultivate your life’s purpose and raising your vibrational frequency. These three factors are fundamental for you to feel ready to return with your twin flame. Always remember to prioritize yourself and maintain a positive mindset.