
Twin Flame Communication in Dreams

Twin Flame Communication in Dreams

When it comes to twin flame communication in dreams, there are a lot of potential reasons and consequences to it. But what does it mean to have communication in dreams with your twin flame? It all very much depends on the stage of the twin flames journey that you’re at. Before having made 3D contact … Read more

Twin Flame Dating Someone Else [Why and What to Do]

Twin Flame Dating Someone Else

If you’re going through a situation of your twin flame dating someone else, or if you yourself are, things can get pretty confusing and frustrating. If you’ve become consciously aware of your twin flame destiny, you might be tempted to put your love life on hold in the hopes of hurrying union along. But it … Read more

Twin Flame Separation Symptoms

Twin Flame Separation Symptoms

Is this a twin flame breakup or is it a twin flame separation? If your twin flames soul bond is romantic in nature, you need to know what the twin flame separation symptoms and signs are. It’s a significant and very challenging part of the twin flame journey, but also a very rewarding one. Once … Read more

Twin Flame Runners Feelings: Understanding Them

Twin Flame Runners Feelings

The twin flame journey is almost always confusing in the early stages and trying to figure out the twin flame runner’s feelings is never easy. They don’t seem to understand what’s going on and it can seem like you’re the one left with the heavy lifting. The answer is almost always that the twin flame runner … Read more

My Twin Flame Shut Me Out

my twin flame shut me out

If my twin flame shut me out, what does that mean for our twin flame journey? Is this the end of the path for us? Will we resume our path together, or is everything lost? Ignoring your counterpart is a bit like hitting the breaks on the process, but it’s only temporary – that engine … Read more

Twin Flame Runner Return Signs and Guidance

Twin Flame Runner Return Signs

These twin flame runner return signs can not only give you reassurance on the journey, they can steer you towards making it happen sooner. If you’re experiencing the twin flame journey, you most likely have already gotten to the separation phase of the connection. If you haven’t yet, spoiler alert: it’s very likely that you … Read more

Can You Feel Your Twin Flame Crying?

Can you feel your twin flame crying

Can you feel your twin flame crying? Can they feel you crying? Are they reaching out? Shared and mirrored feelings are amplified and can easily become overwhelming at various points along the twin flames way towards union. It may seem hard to believe or accept, but you can feel your twin flame’s feelings – that … Read more

Do Twin Flames Feel the Same about Each Other?

Do Twin Flames Feel the Same about Each Other?

There’s no doubt that there’s a strong bond between twin flames, but do twin flames feel the same about each other or can a twin flame connection be one-sided? The simple truth of the matter is that a twin flame connection is always a two-way street. Feelings are mirrored and grow in intensity exponentially, but … Read more