
Twin Flame Age Difference (Does It Matter?)

Twin Flame Age Difference

The twin flame age difference topic is an interesting one because some people seem to think that being twin flames means having no age gap or that it’s necessary to have a significant age gap in order to confirm your twin flame status. Neither of those things is necessarily true. Most physical characteristics don’t matter … Read more

Same-Sex Twin Flames [Does It Matter?]

Same Sex Twin Flames

I am absolutely aware this one is going to ruffle some feathers but I get asked about same-sex twin flames on a regular enough basis that I think we need to talk about it. I’ll be honest, I’m a little surprised that this is even a question since, to me, it represents a fundamental misunderstanding of … Read more

Can Twin Flames Be Friends? [Twin Flame Friend-Zone?]

Can twin Flames Be Friends?

One of the more controversial topics is the idea of a twin flame friend-zone and the question can twin flames be friends? Sometimes one (or both) twins might be with false twin flames or not feel ready for a relationship (incredibly common) so can (or should) they just remain friends? Strictly speaking, no such thing as … Read more

Does Everyone Have a Twin Flame?

Does Everyone Have a Twin Flame?

How rare is this whole thing? Does everyone have a twin flame? How common is it? Twin flames are extremely rare, considering the human population of the world. And if we consider all souls alive during one experience, those numbers go even higher and make the twin flames even rarer. Whether you believe there is … Read more

What Is a Twin Flame Reading?

What Is a Twin Flame Reading?

Exactly what is a twin flame reading? How are they done and what can they do for your journey? A twin flame reading is commonly performed with Tarot cards (though, there are variations) and gives insight and advice into the twin flame journey. As with a lot of twin flame topics, the answer here involves … Read more

What Is a Twin Flame [and How to Spot Yours]

What Is a Twin Flame?

You might have heard the term “twin flame” thrown around the spiritual community or mentioned on various YouTube channels, but what is a twin flame anyways? To put it simply, a twin flame is a soul that’s forever linked to yours. Your soul and that soul are part of a larger higher dimensional entity. Two … Read more

Common Twin Flame Symbols

Common Twin Flame Symbols

Symbols are a significant part of any culture, religion, or spiritual group, and the same goes for twin flames. Many different twin flame symbols vary depending on your culture. For example, the Celtic and Egyptian symbols are incredibly different despite both being for the same thing. They are also commonly depicted by the yin and … Read more

Dark Night of the Soul for Twin Flames

Dark Night of the Soul for Twin Flames

As you go through your spiritual journey, you will face multiple obstacles in your path. And if you are going through a twin flame journey, you will encounter the Dark Night of The Soul. You might also know this as the Dark Night, but the term is not as commonly used. (I will be using … Read more