
Male Twin Flame Feelings & Divine Masculine Traits

male twin flame feelings

To (hopefully) help give you some insight into the male twin flame feelings (and a better understanding of the divine masculine) I’ve pulled my own twin flame into this. John, as we refer to him here, saw the opposite end of my own journey. His insight and experience help shape my understanding and advice but … Read more

Twin Flame Christmas Cabin: Guided Meditation

twin flame guided meditation christmas cabin

Join me in a short twin flame guided meditation to the Christmas Cabin. A special place to spend time with your twin flame this holiday season, no matter how physically far apart you might be. Twin flames are more spiritually attuned than most and this is exactly why you might hear me keep saying this. Meditation is … Read more

12 Twin Flame Stages (and How to Progress Through Them)

Twin Flame Stages

Trying to understand the twin flame stages can be a minefield. Nobody agrees on exactly what the stages are so you’ll see different terms, various orders and (all too often) people arguing over what the ‘real’ stages are. Don’t get bogged down with the terminology or order. You’ve probably heard me say that every twin … Read more

Twin Flame Birth Charts: Guiding Your Connection

Twin Flame Birth Charts

Birth charts can give us all kinds of guidance in different areas of our lives but they can be especially useful for twin flames because they’re more attuned and working at a higher vibration. Analyzing the birth charts of twin flames can help them make tremendous progress on their journey. Twin flame birth charts can give … Read more

Twin Flame Illumination Stage: Signs and Guidance

Twin Flame Illumination Stage

The twin flame illumination stage is going to look a little different for everyone. How you navigate this stage however is always important so let’s look at what this stage is, how you get there and how you make the most of every moment. The twin flame illumination stage is the penultimate twin flame stage … Read more

Are Twin Flames Destined to be Together?

Are Twin Flames Destined to be Together

There’s an intense attraction between them, but are twin flames destined to be together? Twins flames are destined to achieve twin flame unions, so they are destined to be together eventually, but that may not involve the current human experience. It might happen in another lifetime. This is why I’m so against the idea of … Read more